Jonathan P. Newman

github | email: jpn snail

2021-curr. President, Open Ephys, Inc.

Open Ephys is an employee-owned cooperative based in Atlanta, Georgia. We provide high-quality, affordable, and open-source scientific instruments to thousands of labs around the world.



2014-21 Postdoctoral Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Matthew A. Wilson

2008-14 PhD, Bioengineering
Georgia Tech
Dissertation: Optogenetic feedback control of neuronal activity
Advisor: Dr. Steve M. Potter

2003-07 BS, Bioengineering
Summa Cum Laude
SUNY Binghamton
Advisor: Dr. Hiroki Sayama


An up to date list can be found on my google scholar profile.


2024 J.P. Newman, J. Zhang, A. Cuevas-López, N.J. Miller, T. Honda, M-S.H. van der Goes, A.H. Leighton, F. Carvalho, G. Lopes, A. Lakunina, J.H. Siegle, M.T. Harnett, M.A. Wilson, J. Voigts. ONIX: A unified open-source platform for multimodal neural recording and perturbation during naturalistic behavior. Nat. Meth. 2024; doi: 10.1038/s41592-024-02521-1

2024 J. Zhang, J. P. Newman, Z. Wang, Y. Qian, P. Feliciano-Ramos, W. Guo, T. Honda, Z.S. Chen, C. Linghu, R. Etienne-Cummings, E. Fossum, E. Boyden, M.A. Wilson. Pixel-wise programmability enables dynamic high-SNR cameras for high-speed microscopy. Nat. Commun. 2024, 15:4480; doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-48765-5

2024 M-S.H. van der Goes, J. Voigts, J.P. Newman, E.H.S. Toloza, N.J. Brown, P. Murugan, M.T. Harnett. Coordinated head direction representations in mouse anterodorsal thalamic nucleus and retrosplenial cortex. ELife 13:e82952; doi: 10.7554/eLife.82952

2022 J. Voigts, I. Kanitscheider, N.J. Miller, E.H.S. Toloza, J.P. Newman, I.R. Fiete, M.T. Harnett. Spatial reasoning via recurrent neural dynamics in mouse retrosplenial cortex. bioRxiv 2022.04.12.488024; doi: 10.1101/2022.04.12.488024

2020 W. Guo, J. Zhang, J.P. Newman, M.A. Wilson. Latent learning drives sleep-dependent plasticity in distinct CA1 subpopulations. bioRxiv 2020.02.27.967794; doi: 10.1101/2020.02.27.967794

2020 J.P. Newman, J. Voigts, M. Borius, M. Karlsson, M.A. Wilson. Twister3: a simple and fast microelectrode twister. J. Neural Eng. 2020, 17:026040; doi: 0.1088/1741-2552/ab77fa

2020 J. Voigts, J.P. Newman, M.A. Wilson, M.T. Harnett. An easy-to-assemble, robust, and light drive implant for chronic tetrode recordings in freely moving animals. J. Neural Eng. 2020, 17:026044; doi: 0.1088/1741-2552/ab77f9

2020 J. Zhang, J.P. Newman, X. Wang, C.S. Thakur, J. Rattray, R. Etienne-Cummings, M.A. Wilson. A closed-loop, all-electronic pixel-wise adaptive imaging system for high dynamic range videography. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 2020; doi: 10.1109/tcsi.2020.2973396

2019 N. Cermak, M.A. Wilson, J. Schiller, J.P. Newman. Stimjim: open-source hardware for precise electrical stimulation. bioRxiv 2019 757716; doi: 10.1101/757716

2015 J.P. Newman, M.-f. Fong, D.C. Millard, C.J. Whitmire, G.B. Stanley, S.M. Potter. Optogenetic feedback control of neural activity. ELife 2015, 4: e07192; doi: 10.7554/eLife.07192

2015 M.-f. Fong, J.P. Newman, S.M. Potter, P. Wenner. Upward synaptic scaling is dependent on neurotransmission rather than spiking. Nat. Commun. 2015, 6:6339; doi: 10.1038/ncomms7339

2015 J.H. Siegle, G.J. Hale, J.P. Newman, J. Voigts. Neural ensemble communities: open-source approaches to hardware for large-scale electrophysiology. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 2015, 32:53; doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2014.11.004

2014 N.G. Laxpati, B. Mahmoudi, C.-A. Gutekunst, J.P. Newman, R. Zeller-Townson, R.E. Gross. Real-time in vivo optogenetic neuromodulation and multielectrode electrophysiologic recording with NeuroRighter. Front. Neuroeng. 2014, 7:40; doi: 10.3389/fneng.2014.00040

2013 J.P. Newman, T. Tchumatchenko, M.-f. Fong, S.M. Potter. Delivery of continuously-varying stimuli using channelrhodopsin-2. Front. in Neural Circuits 2013, 7:184; doi: 10.3389/fncir.2013.00184

2013 J.P. Newman, R. Zeller-Townson. M.-f. Fong, S. Arcot Desai, S.M. Potter. Closed-loop, multichannel experimentation using the open-source NeuroRighter electrophysiology platform. Front. in Neural Circuits 2013, 6:98; doi: 10.3389/fncir.2012.00098

2012 C.M. Hales, R. Zeller-Townson, J.P. Newman, J.T. Shoemaker, N.J. Killian, S.M. Potter. Stimulus induced high frequency oscillations are present in neuronal networks on microelectrode arrays. Front. in Neural Circuits 2012, 6:29; doi: 10.3389/fncir.2012.00029

2010 J.P. Newman, R.J. Butera. Mechanism, dynamics, and biological existence of multistability in a large class of bursting neurons. Chaos 2010, 20:023118; doi: 10.1063/1.3413995

2008 J.P. Newman, H. Sayama. The Effect of Sensory Blind Zones on Milling Behavior in a Dynamic Self-Propelled Particle Model. Phys. Rev. E 2008, 78:011913; doi: 0.1103/PhysRevE.78.011913

2007 J.P. Newman. Fundamental Considerations for Biomaterial Selection. IEEE Potentials 2007, 26:12; doi: 10.1109/mp.2007.343034


2022 J.P. Newman in conversation with N. Halper, J. Singh, & C. Rozell. Access in neuroscience & neurotechnology. Invited panel discussion, CRCNS PI meeting, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA.

2020 J.P. Newman. High-performance hardware standards for closed-loop, freely-moving neuroscience experiments. Invited talk, Allen Institute for Brain Science, Seattle, WA.

2019 J.P. Newman, J. Voigts. Open Ephys++: next generation open-source tools for freely moving electrophysiology. Invited talk, UMass, Amherst, MA.

2019 J.P. Newman. Making closed-loop experiments commonplace invivo. Invited talk, NYU, New York, NY.

2018 J.P. Newman. Making the use of feedback control commonplace in neuroscience experiments. Invited talk, NSF/BU Workshop on Integrating Neurophotonics, Statistical Physics, and Control Theory for Advancing Neuroscience, Washington, DC.

2016 J.P. Newman. Real-time optical feedback to control and study neural dynamics. Invited talk, Precision Medicine Symposium, Burlington, MA.

2016 J.P. Newman. Feedback control in electrophysiology. Invited talk, French American Innovation Days, MIT, Cambridge, MA.

2015 J.P. Newman in conversation with S.M. Potter J, A. Garten, G. Gage, C. Russomanno, J. Siegle, & J. Tyler. Neural interfaces for makers and biohackers. Invited panel discussion, MakerCon, Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA.


2021 J. Voigts, I. Kanitscheider, N.J. Miller, E.H.S. Toloza, J.P. Newman, I.R. Fiete, M.T. Harnett. Multiple hypothesis-dependent sensory and spatial computations in mouse Retrosplenial Cortex. Poster presentation, Cosyne 2021.

2018 J.P. Newman, J. Zhang, J. Voigts, M.T. Harnett, M.A. Wilson. Open Ephys++: High performance open-source protocols, APIs, and hardware for closed-loop neuroscience experiments. Poster 431.24, SfN 2018, San Diego, CA.

2012 J.P. Newman, M.F. Fong, N. Laxpati, R. Zeller-Townson, U. Ghosh, U, T. French, S.M. Potter. Optogenetic Feedback Control Decouples Network Spiking From Other Forms Of Neural Activity. Poster 071.27, FENS Forum, Barcelona, Spain.

2011 J.P. Newman, M.F. Fong, N. Laxpati, R. Zeller-Townson, U. Ghosh, U, T. French, S.M. Potter. Methods for long-term, non-pharmacological control of network firing levels in cortical cultures. Poster 870.05, SfN 2011, Washington, DC.

2011 J.P. Newman, M.F. Fong, N. Laxpati, R. Zeller-Townson, U. Ghosh, U, T. French, S.M. Potter. An optogenetic feedback controller to stabilize unbalanced cortical networks. Invited Talk, Georgia Tech Libraries: Blended Research Series, Atlanta, GA.

2009 J.P. Newman, R.J. Butera. General Mechanism for multistability in single bursting neurons, Poster 321.9, SfN 2009, Chicago, IL.


2020 J.P. Newman, J. Zhang. Apparatus and methods for all CMOS compressive sensing


2009 P. Challa, M. Fong, A. Hughes, J.P. Newman. Controlling chaotic bursting in distributed, in-vitro neuronal networks.

2008 J.P. Newman. Chaotic bursting in single neurons



2015-18 Helena Yan, Wellesley `18
– With support from a Wellesley Summer Research Award
Undergraduate thesis: Implementing simultaneous calcium imaging and optogenetics in freely moving rodents to investigate the role of local inhibition in place field stability

2016 Ananya Bahadur, Amrita University `18
– 2016 Google Summer of Code mentee

2015 Alex Chen, MIT `18
– With support from the Center for Brains Minds and Machines

2014 Emma Costa, MIT `18
– With gift from the Lord Foundation

2010-12 Ted French, Georgia Tech `12
– With grant from the President’s Undergraduate Research Awards (PURA) program

2011 Will Schweitzer, Brown University `12
– With grant from Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program

2010 Ushnik Ghosh, Georgia Tech `11
– With grant from the Petit Scholars Program


2016-curr. Transylvanian Experimental Neuroscience Summer School (TENSS), Pike Lake, Romania
– Neuroscience techniques, chaos, and love.

2016 Neural Systems and Behavior at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA.
– Somatosensory Unit; section Lead: Chris Deister

2009 BMED3110: Quantitative Engineering Physiology Laboratory, Georgia Tech
– Lecturer and laboratory teaching assistant

2008-09 Mentor at Rainbow Village Inc., Norcross, GA
– Educational services for underprivileged children

Grants & Awards

2021-curr. NIH Phase II SBIR: ONIX, A Neural Acquisition System for Unencumbered, Closed-Loop Recordings in Small, Freely Moving Animals
– Grant Number: 1R44NS127725-01
– Recipient: Open Ephys, Inc.
– Proposal Preparation: J.P. Newman (100%)

2017-21 NIH R21: Integrated compressive sensing microscope for high-speed functional biological imaging
– Grant Number: 1R21EY028381-01
– Investigators: S. Chin, E.S. Boyden, M.A. Wilson
– Proposal Preparation: J.P. Newman (50%), J. Zhang (50%)\

2015-18 NIH Posdoctoral Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA)
– Grant Number: 1F32MH107086-01\

2014 Most Outstanding PhD Thesis, Georgia Tech Bioengineering
– $1000 cash prize

2012-17 NIH R01: Optogenetic Population Clamp to Study Long-Term Plasticity In Vitro – Grant Number: 1R01NS079757-01 – Investigator: S.M. Potter – Proposal Preparation: J.P Newman (40%), M.F. Fong (40%), S.M Potter (20%)

2011 Georgia Tech Libraries Blended Research Series Outstanding Poster Presentation
– 2nd place, $500 cash prize

2009-12 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
– Grant Number: 08-593

2007-09 NSF Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship
– Grant Number: DGE-0333411

2007 RH Nagel Award: Nationwide, most improved chapter of Tau Beta Pi

2007 Special Recognition for Outstanding Service Leadership and Commitment to IEEE-USA and the Profession

2007 Student speaker for the graduating class; SUNY Binghamton

2006-curr. Member - Tau Beta Pi